• Cindy Lambert
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  • Added 04 Oct 2006
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The Croc Hunter

I'm sure by now we have all heard of the tragic and untimely death of the beloved Crocodile Hunter. In all honesty, I must admit that I never considered myself a big fan. Truthfully I never paid much attention. Oh, I would occasionally stop and watch while flipping through channels, but The Croc Hunter was never a program I planned my tv viewing around. Now, with that said, on the occasions that I did stop and watch, I was always entertained. Steve Irwin had an infectious energy and a boyish charm that brightened even the gloomiest day. You simply couldn't help but smile. For whatever karmic reason, Steve Irwin's death has touched me very deeply. It's made me think - it's made me contemplate - it's made me pay attention. The word that seems to resonate above all else is passion. Steve Irwin was the embodiment of passion. He believed in what he was doing with every fiber of his being and he dedicated himself, body and soul, to his beliefs. I honor him for that. While browsing the internet, shortly after Steve's death, I came across a video clip of his memorial service. The clip showed Steve Irwin's daughter, Bindi Sue, giving a most eloquent speech in honor of her father. For those of you who have not seen it, you can view the clip by searching "Bindi Sue" at www.YouTube.com. Clearly this little girl is destined to make her mark on this world - another testament to Steve Irwin's passion. It seems the torch has been passed. With God's blessing, her father's dedication and wisdom beyond her years, Bindi Sue Irwin is surely destined to keep it burning. With that in mind, I felt compelled to use my own passion to create this portrait. While reflecting on the finished piece, it strikes me that the urgency seems to be missing from his eyes. Perhaps it is now the sparkle and wonder in her's....

5 of 28 Comments Show All 28 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 17 Jul 2008

awesome picture

Sam Melendez 27 Dec 2007

I Love this one!!! He was an amazing man. You captured his essence! I remember hearing the news at work and just being shocked.

Asia S. 07 Nov 2007

This is truly a testament to the sparkle passed on from parent to child.

Joanna Jungjohann 10 Jun 2007

I cried, such a lovely tribute and story and this pencil work is totally beautiful and awe-inspiring.

Adam Pinson 10 Jun 2007

Now this is something for a lifetime.